Narrative Ideas: Ghost with the Most

The ghost (Graham) Struggles with alcoholism and loneliness. Never actually said that he is an alcoholic but cans and other alcoholic beverages will be placed within the images. He decides that he needs to focus on something new, so he makes friends (AA meeting?) after a while of getting to know them they invite Graham to a party. He is nervous to go but wants to fit in. Everyone else is drinking and he finds it hard to watch.

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I really liked these pages with the layout of things but i am finding it hard to fit this storyline into a child’s perspective without making it inappropriate. It also struck me that children wouldn’t be in danger of drinking themselves at the specific age, but it would be a parent, or relative. This made it hard to think of what could happen in the story. I am going to change the narrative to meeting people online.

Revised Story:

Graham is lonely and rich, he decides to make a profile online but is scared that people wont want to be friends with a ghost, so he posts a fake picture of a human.

Graham then posts some status’ about wanting people to be friends with him etc. The only ones that get attention are the ones where he invites people to have a party (For free).

Someone called ‘Roberta’ messages him and he gets excited that someone actually wants to be his friend. He arranges to meet her at 7pm. As 7pm gets closer, Graham starts to realise his mistake and gets nervous and starts to think of ways he can make himself look human, to no avail. He panics.

The doorbell rings and Graham finds out that Roberta, the beautiful human girl is actually A ROBOT. Roberta had lied on her profile too! They eventually go their separate ways and promise not to lie online ever again.

Graham goes for a walk to reflect and meets a ghost at the park and decides it’s better to tell the truth and meet friends in real life first as you cant trust all of what you read online.


I think this a good lesson for children to learn as more and more kids are allowed on the internet at a young age and safety is very very important. It also says that lying is bad which is always a good thing to teach kids.