Evaluation (Enganche)

I enjoyed doing this brief, however it didn’t feel as creative as the other project. It was more serious, but i guess we need that because that is what is likely to be needed in the real world of design. I tried to keep to a very specific/grid way of designing. However, it definitely improved my use of indesign and taught me a lot about the software.

I chose the Enganche Venture Capital business as i thought it would be interesting to do a company profile that is both serious and mysterious at the same time. This allowed me to be very simple with the designs as a mysterious company wouldn’t want a flashy portfolio.

I chose not to use any photos in my project as i thought it made it look tacky when i tried it with a statue (which sounds grand and dignified but didn’t fit well in the grand scheme of the project). I instead kept to vectors and other simple images (like the logo).

The logo is repeated throughout the info booklet which reinforces the brand and is also used as a picture page (which is similar to the pop art style) which splits up the information. I struggled with making the logo at first as drew it myself and it looks 3D-ish so it was hard to do the dimensions correct, but i feel that in the end it turned out very nicely and fits to the brand well.

The added features like the business card, cheque and contract were all very useful for the brand to use in every day life and are therefore my favourite part of the project as a whole.

If i had more time or to do the project over, i would add a lot more to the booklet, such as; a letter head (useful for documentation), a website (with an application for funding process within), a poster and maybe even the uniform for the staff that would work promoting the prizes. All of these would stick to the simple theme and use the 6 colours outlined in the manual.

Additional designs for the package.

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The first thing i did for the brand package extras was a contract for the company. I thought this would be important to design as they will have to print out a lot of contracts for their sponsorships, however i thought that the colour of the paper would be very expensive to print out a long contract on so i changed the colours around, which will be cheaper to produce.

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Another thing that would be useful for Enganche would be a customised cheque that can be made into a giant check for pictures, a lot of sponsorships do this, for their posters and other things to promote their prizes.

I followed the template for a normal cheque, as it has to be actualy legal to use but added the dark background from the brand identity booklet for this design, with a hint of orange to make it stand out. The writing will be in either the orange or blue, depending on which prize it is for (orange for art, blue for architecture.)



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The next thing i designed was a business card, this will be very useful for any company. I wanted it to be simple but have an expensive look to it.

I have accomplished this by having it on thick cardboard that has a layer of orange in between the two grey side to that will go around the edge, this will make it look more professional and add a fine detail that the people who will be applying for the prizes will notice. It also will ensure that the card will last longer as it wont be flimsy. Costs of this will be quite high to make however the little things will stand out and impress. Not having too much information makes it easy to understand too, which is good.

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Brand identity booklet.

So far i have 6 pages of the brand identity package booklet. The first page has the plane logo type with the graphic underneath in grey scale, i think this looks very formal and business like, it is also simple so gets the point across quickly and is recognisable.

To add some more dimension i would like my logo to be embossed on the cover, this would be more costly, however it will make the booklet more visually stimulating.

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The second and third pages are dedicated to the typography used for the brand identity, including the colours and spacings for the logo type, i have kept the same background colour for all of the pages, i chose a dark grey because it is different and will stand out.

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The next pages are used as a general lay out and is used as a filler page for the next part of the book.

I like this as a page splitter and will use it on some pages for the document.

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Underneath are two examples of how the layout would be used for.

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As another splitter page I used the colour examples I did when I was figuring out the logo as part of my booklet. It looks quite interesting and i think it will be an easy transition.


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Choosing the 3rd brief.

This brief is centered around making a corporate identity package for one of the companies outlined in the brief. I chose to do Enganche Venture Capital. I chose this one as I liked the idea of creating a sophisticated package, that screams money! I like the way that the company has limited visibility, this allows me to create many things to be included in the package without being limited with what is already being done.

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I wasn’t actually completely sure what a venture capitalist company was so I had to do a lot of research to start. Basically a venture capitalist is an investment company with high stakes. Enganche want to sponsor prizes, i will include this in the identity package.

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So a venture capitalist is a bank-like investment company with high stakes and high returns. Enganche is aimed at architecture and art prizes. I want to incorporate this into my logo somehow.

Shown below are existing architect firm logos, they include intricate designs that somehow look like a building/structure or drawing of a style like the plans for the previous mentioned things would be.


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Colour scheme for Enganche.


The inspiration for my colour scheme came from one of my favourite albums. “Ten Thousand Fists” by Disturbed. I really like the colours that are used as they are fairly muted with 1 warm colour and the rest are cool tones. This fits the way i wanted Engance’s business profile to be as it is serious.



The 6 colours, shown below all compliment each other. I like the grey shades as backgrounds and body text, with the brighter colours for accents and to stand out.

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I then put the logo into all of these 6 colours to see how they looked on white and black backgrounds.


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I then tried the logo on the same colour background. I really liked the dark grey with the light grey on top. I will use this for my Identity package.


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