Colour scheme for Enganche.


The inspiration for my colour scheme came from one of my favourite albums. “Ten Thousand Fists” by Disturbed. I really like the colours that are used as they are fairly muted with 1 warm colour and the rest are cool tones. This fits the way i wanted Engance’s business profile to be as it is serious.



The 6 colours, shown below all compliment each other. I like the grey shades as backgrounds and body text, with the brighter colours for accents and to stand out.

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I then put the logo into all of these 6 colours to see how they looked on white and black backgrounds.


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I then tried the logo on the same colour background. I really liked the dark grey with the light grey on top. I will use this for my Identity package.


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Critical reflection (Infographic)



Poster          Screen

The background for all 3 of the designs is subtle enough to catch the eye but doesn’t distract from the actual information. I feel that it makes the infographic look less plain and slightly resembles constellations with the stars that are also on the background. The space theme was to mimic all of the research Einstein did to do with space, worm holes and space time.

The flat images I created (Dimensions, sun, moon, earth and clocks) fit well with the found images from The Noun Project and really portray the facts like I wanted. Infographics are supposed to show information in a image, similar to a chart but more interesting. I feel as though my infographic does this and therefore fits the brief.

The colours I chose were dark blue, orange, and white. I think that the way all of the colours fit together and stand out from each other works really well. The choice of Font is modern and easy to read (good for the children that will be reading it). The poster would look great in a classroom or even a child’s bedroom as i think it is quite stylish and modern.


MOBILE PAGES Einstein and the universe MASTERBLASTERpdf_2nd mobile page Einstein and the universe MASTERBLASTERpdf_3rd mobile page

I am happy with the way my app has turned out as it is different and educational whilst still informing the user about Einsteins life. Even though it is a re-ordered version of the other designs (Screen and poster sizes) i feel that it is still interesting. This is because of the animation that is a part of the design. There are no instructions for the user to use the animations so it allows the user to find it by ‘accident’, sort of like a treasure hunt of “what can i make the next one do?” once they have found the first one. I like this because it will keep the target audience, of primary school age children, entertained and interested.  I like the spacing in the apps design as it allows room for tapping it isn’t too crowded so it doesn’t take attention away from the actual information. The cheetahs frame the space well and because the user will see it on the first page, before reading the actual fact on the second page, it will engage the user as they will wonder what it means at first and then learn the fact later.

The next step for this app would be to add more infographics to it, i have done the basics for some facts about Einstein and the theories he spoke about in his life, however there are plenty more that can be added. A quiz or some sort of game could also be incorporated to aid more learning and fun. Fun is a key element to apps for children as if they don’t enjoy it the first time they open the app, it will be deleted or never used again. This means the app will have to be constantly updated even after publication.

One thing i would change about my design is try to get rid of more of the text, making it simpler. The earth part of the infographic is quite wordy and i think that it would look better if it was more about the image rather than the text, especially for the poster. Other than that i am happy with the outcome of the infographic.


Animation ideas for the mobile app (Infographic)


This is the front page for the app design of my infographic. The ‘TAP HERE” will become more and less opaque which will invite the user to press the button. This can be seen on many apps on the market and therefore users will automatically know what to do.



Einstein and the universe MASTERBLASTERpdf_2nd mobile page

The second page is where the user will be taken once they have tapped the button on the opening page. The animation starts with the man figures, in turn each one will turn orange until it reaches the Einstein figure, then that will grow bigger and smaller and the cycle will start again. The dimensions infographic will go round in a circle, off the screen then back on.

Einstein and the universe MASTERBLASTERpdf_3rd mobile page

When scrolling down from the second page the users will see the third. On this one, the clocks will tick by minutes (every second) and the clouds on the earth will shuffle from left to right.





Speed of Light

With the speed of light fact i chose to compare it to a cheetah (fastest animal on earth) to put into context how fast it is. The speed of light in miles per hour is 670 616 629. Which works out to be x9580237.55714285714286 faster than the average speed of a cheetah.

I chose to present this in my infographic by stacking vectors of cheetahs on top of eachother until it hits the top of the page, implying it goes on for a while.

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Time Travel

For this part of the infographic i used the information from an experiment by Hafele-Keating in which two scientists sent atomically synchronized clocks twice around the world on airlines, first east then west. Then compared them both to a 3rd clock, upon doing so each clock was different and were consistent with the theory of general and special relativity.

General relativity predicts an additional effect, in which an increase in gravitational potential due to altitude speeds the clocks up. That is, clocks at higher altitude tick faster than clocks on Earth’s surface. This effect has been confirmed in many tests of general relitivity, such as the Pound-Rebka experiment and Gravity Probe A. In the Hafele–Keating experiment, there was a slight increase in gravitational potential due to altitude that tended to speed the clocks back up. Since the aircraft flew at roughly the same altitude in both directions, this effect was approximately the same for the two planes, but nevertheless it caused a difference in comparison to the clocks on the ground. (wikipedia)

I portrayed this by creating a flat style earth, plane and clocks, all very simple designs and colours. I think that this style works well with each other and the target demographic.

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4th dimension is time.

Albert Einstein said that the 4th dimension is time, keeping with the flat theme i chose to portray this by using line drawings to create all the dimensions in order. This is also quite compact so it is easy to position on the infographic.

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Pantheon List

The pantheon list is a database which determines how famous people are by how many articles there are about them on the internet and books about them, Albert Einstein is 23rd on the list of all time. I put this into my infographic by having 22 images of generic men in a pyramid then having a image of Einstein’s silhouette on top, in a different colour to stand out.

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