This is the final cover for my book. I really like the way that it looks like his ‘treasure room’ Showing his wealth but Graham looks sad which shows that he isn’t happy with everything he has got.
This pattern was inspired by the similar page from ‘Pigeon found a hot dog’ (seen in the research) I chose a simple ghost (with the eyes from the rest of my characters)
This is a spread similar to a dedication page, without the dedication.
I made up a few books that are similar in theme to this book, which could have the same character. I like the spooky style trees which frames the page.
If the book got published all of the information would be on the second page. (at the minute there isnt any so)
(1st draft of the blurb)
(final back cover)
I added the website at the bottom and revised the blurb to be longer and more detailed.
Back cover
This gives a bit of perspective to the whole ‘Ghost’s world’ as the rest of the book is based in and around his house.
The clouds are kept the same throughout the book, different sizes and shades. I think this keeps with the theme of the book.