Type for Enganche

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This is the logo type that will be used along side the graphic logo. The font i used is easy to read and is the sans serif style. Both of the lines are different types of the same font family. I chose the opaque one for the name and the lined version for the venture capital part, as it is less significant. The lines also make it look more modern and looks professional as a whole. The Font opaque will also be used for the rest of the documentation for the company package. (shown below)

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I chose the same font for the rest of the documents, however I varied the use colour to indicate the different functions (all from the 6 colour scheme). Headers will be 62pt and the body text is 29pt, which is easily read in the same colour as the main title type. I decided to make my sub header and small print a different colour so that it stands out and adds a bit of diversity to the documents, they are again in the same font as the rest. The small print is size 20pt, which is just big enough to read.



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