
Speed of Light

With the speed of light fact i chose to compare it to a cheetah (fastest animal on earth) to put into context how fast it is. The speed of light in miles per hour is 670 616 629. Which works out to be x9580237.55714285714286 faster than the average speed of a cheetah.

I chose to present this in my infographic by stacking vectors of cheetahs on top of eachother until it hits the top of the page, implying it goes on for a while.

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Time Travel

For this part of the infographic i used the information from an experiment by Hafele-Keating in which two scientists sent atomically synchronized clocks twice around the world on airlines, first east then west. Then compared them both to a 3rd clock, upon doing so each clock was different and were consistent with the theory of general and special relativity.

General relativity predicts an additional effect, in which an increase in gravitational potential due to altitude speeds the clocks up. That is, clocks at higher altitude tick faster than clocks on Earth’s surface. This effect has been confirmed in many tests of general relitivity, such as the Pound-Rebka experiment and Gravity Probe A. In the Hafele–Keating experiment, there was a slight increase in gravitational potential due to altitude that tended to speed the clocks back up. Since the aircraft flew at roughly the same altitude in both directions, this effect was approximately the same for the two planes, but nevertheless it caused a difference in comparison to the clocks on the ground. (wikipedia)

I portrayed this by creating a flat style earth, plane and clocks, all very simple designs and colours. I think that this style works well with each other and the target demographic.

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4th dimension is time.

Albert Einstein said that the 4th dimension is time, keeping with the flat theme i chose to portray this by using line drawings to create all the dimensions in order. This is also quite compact so it is easy to position on the infographic.

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Pantheon List

The pantheon list is a database which determines how famous people are by how many articles there are about them on the internet and books about them, Albert Einstein is 23rd on the list of all time. I put this into my infographic by having 22 images of generic men in a pyramid then having a image of Einstein’s silhouette on top, in a different colour to stand out.

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Background and influence.

I used the noun project for the backgrounds which i made transparent to go behind the main parts of the infographic to create depth. For this i used symbols that relate to the facts that i chose to include in my infographic.

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I then added stars to create a space like effect.

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The inspiration for the background of my infographic came from this one i found which is about space. I decided to use the space theme as Einstein wrote a lot about space and it ties all of the facts together. I chose a dark blue background as a black looked too serious and didnt fit my demographic (10-15)

This infographic also uses a flat style of graphics which i wanted to use with mine.

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Critical reflection (Typography)

I think that the finished product of the letters I have made fit well with the theme of bacteria/micro-organisms that I chose to do, however I think that it may not be very practical for every day use with may hinder the success of it in the real world, its more of a one off or fun style, obviously the theme is quite niche also, possibly meaning it will be stuck to hygiene or medial uses only. However, it wouldn’t be useful for signs, essays or professional works and would work well for posters or even products, perhaps aimed at children, as it is eye catching and fun.


With the letter G, V and W i tried to incorporate how i actually feel about germs rather than making them look like a germ under a microscope. They are fuzzy which reminds me of how germs move and how they are everywhere. I like them because of this, as they stand out however still fit in with the theme.

I feel as though my typeface is meets the brief well as it is an interesting new type, which in my research there isn’t anything like it out there on the Internet. Meaning that if I were to put it out there perhaps it would be successful in it’s range of type.

I like the way that all of my letters aren’t all the same size and are not uniform in shape, I think it makes it more interesting to look at and shows the individuality of each letter.

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In practice as you can see, the font can be used for many medical related things; a hand soap and a magazine cover. I have created a 1881371mock up of the horrible science magazines that often use fonts that use the theme of that issue to make the typography, for example the Bulging Brains issue uses a brain like typography. My Font could easily be used in this way.

Flat images

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For my infographic i wanted to use flat images to represent the information, i feel like they look sleeker and fun. My target audience for my infographic is children aged 10-15 and i think flat images will be appealing to this demographic as it is very simple.


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I also used the Noun Project website to create the simple graphics including the cheetah and the man figures. The noun project is really good because all of the symbols are vectors meaning they can be as small or as large as you may need without affecting the quality of them.